Annual Jackman ICS Family Events
September Social (Organized by the Parents’ Association)
Who: All parents/guardians and teachers
What: Organized by the Jackman ICS Parents’ Association, this is an opportunity for
parents to meet each other and the teaching staff.
Feels like: a casual, stand-up adult social event with complementary wine/beer and
delicious snacks.
Where: Lab School
When: Early September date (6:00 – 8:00 pm). Free babysitting provided.
Curriculum Night (mandatory attendance)
Who: All parents/guardians and teachers
What: Vitally important opportunity for parents to learn about the curriculum,
procedures, and expectations for each grade and specialty subject.
Feels like: a large group lecture from each Specialty Teacher (French, Visual Arts,
Music, Drama, Physical Education, Library, Special Education) followed by small group
lecture in individual classrooms with grade teacher
Where: Lab School
When: September/October date, 6:00 – 9:00 pm. Free babysitting provided.
Halloween Parade
Who: JK – Grade 6 children in costumes; parents/guardians join in outdoor parade
(costumes optional for adults). Nursery children celebrate in their own way.
What: Children are invited to wear costumes and parade in a circle around parents
who are able to join us as an audience.
Feels like: being surrounded by fairies, goblins, and other magical creatures.
Where: school yard (weather permitting)
When: 9:00am, end of October (following 8:45 am attendance taken in classroom)
Parents’ Association Meetings (organized by Parents’ Association)
Who: all parents/guardians, in particular class reps and Parent Association Executive;
What: to fulfill the mandate of the Parents’ Association and report on both the activity
of the Executive and the management of parent-donated funds.
Feels like: a committee meeting
Where: Lab school
When: throughout the year, 6:00 – 6:45 pm (usually scheduled with Community Chat – see below. Free babysitting provided.
Parent Education Evening Events (organized by Parent Education Committee)
Who: all parents, teachers, and guest speakers
What: The JICS Parent Education Committee organizes educational presentations by
experts in various fields. Recent presentations have included: “The Impact of Exercise
on Children’s Health”, “Sleep and Daytime Functioning in Youth”.
Feels like: a lecture/panel presentation/opportunity to ask questions
Where: Lab School
When: one each term, evening. Free babysitting may be provided (depending on the time of the event)
Class Breakfasts
Who: Classroom students, their parents and siblings; classroom teacher/admin staff/specialty teachers
What: A stand-up, short, morning gathering in your child’s classroom. Organized by the Class Reps with (nut-free) food/coffee provided by parents. Class Reps send info to parents about the event via email.
Feels like: a casual gathering of chatting adults with children enjoying breakfast with their peers.
Where: your child’s classroom
When: perhaps once or twice a school year, from 8:15-8:45 (about 20-30 minutes in length)
Research Night
Who: all parents
What: Opportunity to learn about research conducted and/or connected with the Lab
Feels like: a series of 20 minute lectures with opportunities for Q & A
Where: Lab School
When: January date, evening. Free babysitting provided.
Community Knowledge Building Chats (“CKBC’s”)
Who: All parents/guardians, especially class-reps, teachers
What: Opportunity to ask questions of the Principal, share ideas and build
understanding together. Parents are asked to submit items to the agenda in advance of
the meeting.
Feels like: a town hall meeting
Where: Lab School
When: One each term, evening. Free babysitting is provided.
Jackman ICS Book Fair + Book Night
Who: All parents/guardians, children, friends, and all teachers
What: One of two annual Library Fundraisers (with Read-a-thon in April) organized to
celebrate our love of reading.
Our Book Fair will have an independent book store selling books in our school reception area on a designated school day. Before school, after school and throughout the school day, parents can purchase books for their family and/or specially identified books to add to our school library collection (a portion of all sales is donated to our library program). Tickets will also be on sale for raffle baskets (100% of proceeds directed to our Library program.
Parents who shop at Indigo Books throughout the year will be able to designate JICS to receive 20% of their online gift-card purchases. The web address for these purchases will be emailed to the community each year.
Currently it is: https://indigo.flipgive.com/f/157806
Feels like: a book sale in a small but charming book store that offers free coffee in the morning!
Where: our reception
When: November date, 8:30am – 6:30PM
Festivals of Light - JICS Sing-a-long
Who: All children, parents/guardians, nannies & grannies, and all teachers
What: Opportunity to “sing in the holidays”. Children and adults gather together as
our music teachers lead us in a musical journey of the holiday songs that represent the
beautiful diversity of celebrations that take place this time of year. Song lyrics provided.
No previous singing lessons required.
Feels like: taking part in a seated choir
Where: JICS Auditorium (Gymnasium)
When: Last day of Winter term at 8:45 am (45 min)
Parent Education Morning
Who: Parents/guardians and select teachers
What: Opportunity to learn about a particular aspect of the Lab School’s pedagogy.
Topics have included literacy instruction, math instruction, science instruction, and
special education. Following a teacher-panel presentation, parents tour the school in
small groups, observing the approach “in action”.
Feels like: peeking into your child’s classroom to get an understanding of what is
occurring and why.
Where: Lab School
When: February date, 8:30 – 10:00 am.
Patrick Harvie Arts Soirée (biennial event, alternating with DRMF Tuition Support Gala)
Who: parents/guardians & teachers
What: The PHA Soiree is a fundraiser to support the PHA Fund – a parent funded
reserve that enhances the arts education and experiences of the students of the Lab
School, including the funding of professionals from the arts community and providing
material resources.
Feels like: a casual, stand-up adult social event with complimentary food and drinks
Where: location to be determined by committee
When: May date (alternating years), evening event.
Diana Rankin Muncaster Family Tuition Support Fund Gala (biennial event, alternating with PHA Soirée)
Who: parents/guardians & teachers, alumni families from select years
What: Gala event with silent and live auctions to raise money for tuition support at
JICS. Diversity is central to the mission of the Lab School, and the DRMF Support Fund
extends the reach of this mission, helping the school in its continued efforts to be an
accessible and exceptional place for all to learn.
Feels like: a fun “wine and cheese” stand-up party
Where: location to be determined by committee
When: May date (alternating years), evening event
Music Night
Who: All classes JK – Grade 6. Parents/guardians, grannies & nannies, family friends.
We invite Nursery children to attend in the audience with their parents.
What: an evening of music-making and choir performances by the Jackman ICS
children and their music teachers
Feels like: Listening to a wonderful selection of diverse musical productions
Where: JICS Auditorium (Gymnasium)
When: May date, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Hot Dog Night (organized by Grade 1 parents)
Who: All JICS families, all teachers & some alumni students like to attend
What: Community celebration with food, beer/wine for adults, games for children
Feels like: a backyard barbeque with low-key, fun games for children to play.
Where: Lab School playground
When: May date, 6:00 – 8:00 pm