Resources for Learning at Home
Guidelines and Tips for the Use of JICS Devices at Home
The JICS Tech Team has created living documents to help families use JICS devices when at home, troubleshoot common tech issues and log in to commonly used programs. You will need the password provided by the school to access the main document. We will continue to update this page as common issues arise.
Activities for Healthy Children Required to Stay Home for a Short Period
Dear JICS Families,
We know that the ever-changing landscape of COVID and the resulting practices to ensure community safety to the best of our ability mean that sometimes students who feel healthy may be spending some time at home.
We have collected resources, activities, videos and apps for parents to use with their child/ren while away from school. It is recommended that parents review the various sites and choose what is a good fit for your child. (The division categories below are suggestions, please feel free to choose activities beyond those in your child’s grade division.) The activities require parent set up and are not simply “one-click” for independent use by young children. Be mindful that students do best with many movement breaks; please plan your child’s schedule for the day accordingly.
For unwell children, we hope they are not engaging in online activities but getting plenty of helpful rest so that they can get better soon.
Students who are required to isolate at home due to COVID for an extended period of time (14 days) will be provided a blended model of instruction set up by the grade teachers and administration.
All the best for these challenging days, and we hope to see your child(ren) soon back in class!
Before School Care: Where/When/How?Daycare morning care will be located in the library (45 Walmer Road, foyer on left inside front doors). Daycare staff will be inside the 45 Walmer Road front door to welcome children. Supervision will begin at 7:45am. Parents are not permitted into the library or any other part of the school. Daycare staff will dress and escort the JK and SK children to the school yard at 8:45am. Nursery children and their belongings will be escorted to their classroom at 8:45/8:50am. Students in Gr 1 - 6 will travel independently directly to their classroom at 8:45am.
After School Daycare Pick-Up: Where/When/How?Nursery (pick up between 3:10/3:30pm): Nursery parents or designated caregivers are permitted to enter the school and go directly to Nursery classroom to pick up their child(ren) and belongings if they prefer. Masks must be worn to enter the school building. Nursery children with siblings in Kindergarten will be escorted outside by 3:20pm by Daycare staff who will remain in the yard for supervision. These children will line up in the yard with their sibling(s) and await arrival of parent or designated caregiver. Nursery children with siblings in Gr 1-6 will be escorted outside by 3:20pm by Daycare staff who will remain in the yard for supervision. These children will line up in the yard with their sibling/s and await arrival of parent or designated caregiver. After School Daycare (pick up between 3:30 and 6:00pm): Parents are required to call the ICS Daycare cell number 647-518-6887 upon arrival at 45 Walmer Road. Parents are not permitted into the school yard. Daycare staff will dress (if help is needed) and escort the child(ren) to the front door of 45 Walmer Road or the North school yard gate. If the children are outside in the yard, the Daycare staff will enter the school with the child(ren) to collect personal belongings before escorting the child(ren) to the North school yard gate.
How do children transition from the school to after school daycare?Nursery: At 11:45am, Nursery children who are registered for Daycare will begin their afternoon program with Daycare staff. Daycare staff always liaise with Nursery teachers for updates and to support smooth transition of care. JK and SK: Between 3:10/3:20pm, Daycare staff will pick up registered Kindergarten children from their classrooms or school yard. Gr 1-3: Between 3:20/3:30pm, Daycare staff will pick up registered Gr 1-3 children from their classroom(s) or school yard. Gr 4-6: At 3:20/3:30pm, students will walk directly to the Multi-Purpose Room where Daycare staff awaits them. A daycare staff member will be outside to collect any children registered for daycare who may have forgotten to go directly to the daycare.
How will snack be provided?Daycare staff will serve a commercially prepared (store bought), individually wrapped snack to students. Single serving whole fruits (fruits that have not been cut) can be served. Staff will be wearing medical masks and face shields or eye protection at all times. Children will wash or sanitize their hands prior to and after eating their snack.
How do parents get in touch with Daycare staff?To communicate information with the Daycare, it is preferred that parents email ics.after.school.daycare@gmail.com as this email is monitored throughout the day. A response email will be sent to notify parents that the information has been received.
How do parents announce their arrival at pick-up?The Daycare cell phone is 647-518-6887 and dedicated to announcing parent arrival for pick-up. Parents are not permitted to enter the school, therefore parents must phone to announce arrival at the school. Children will be escorted to front door at 45 Walmer Road, or to North school yard gate (if children are already outside). Daycare staff will assist children to gather their personal belongings from inside.
Who can pick up my child?Upon registration, parents provide the Daycare with a list of adults who may pick their child(ren). If a new adult is required for pick-up, parents are required to email ics.after.school.daycare@gmail.com to inform the Daycare of the identity of the adult and confirm permission to pick up on specific date. Upon arrival, the adult must follow the pick-up procedures and provide identification to the Daycare staff.
What are the Daycare cohorts and what is their location?Daycare cohorts will be established once enrollment is confirmed. Children may be in Daycare between one and five days a week, but will remain with the same cohort. Each cohort will have a dedicated Daycare staff person. Groupings will be mixed grade, but size and student-to-teacher ratio will be in compliance with Ministry of Education and Public Health guidelines. Daycare cohorts (to be confirmed following enrollment): Nursery cohort will remain in the Nursery classroom JK and SK daycare cohort will utilize the JK classroom Gr 1 - 3 daycare cohort will utilize the Grade 1 classroom Gr 4 - 6 daycare cohort will utilize the Multi-Purpose Room
Can I register for Daycare after the school year begins?Families who wish their child(ren) to join Daycare after the start of the school year, must inquire with Daycare Supervisor regarding availability. Registration requires a commitment until the end of the term (e.g. December, March, June).
What is the hand washing routine?Children will be required to wash or sanitize hands before entering the Daycare. They will be required to wash or sanitize their hands before and after eating snack, and after using the washroom. They will be required to wash or sanitize their hands before and after going out into the school yard. Daycare staff will model, support and supervise the washing or sanitizing of students’ hands.
Where will my child’s belongings be located?In order to minimize movement in the building, children’s belongings will be brought to their Daycare location and remain with them indoors and in the school yard.
How will play materials be used and cleaned?After use, all materials will be disinfected by Daycare staff.
What will children be doing on Wednesday afternoons (following 12:00pm dismissal)?Wednesday afternoon is an extension of the regular Daycare program. On Wednesdays, children will eat lunch in their dedicated space (a litterless lunch from home or hot lunch program, The Lunch Mom). They will wash/sanitize their hands before and after eating lunch. Following lunch, children will have outdoor play time, and engage in a variety of activities based on the children’s interests, encompassing art, crafts, games, sports, and other projects.
What if a child presents with symptoms of illness at Daycare?Should a child develop symptoms of illness during the day, Daycare staff will immediately contact parents or emergency contact person to arrange for the child to be picked up. The symptomatic child will be isolated and supervised by a Daycare staff member until parent or designated caregiver arrives. Parents must follow Lab School’s illness protocols prior to return to school and Daycare.
What happens if a child or adult tests positive with COVID-19?If a child or adult tests positive for COVID-19, they are required to stay home for 24 hours. If, after 24 hours, they are asymptomatic, they may return to school but must wear a mask for 10 days. The child or adult must stay home if they have exhibit any symptoms.
Before School Care: Where/When/How?Daycare morning care will be located in the library (45 Walmer Road, foyer on left inside front doors). Daycare staff will be inside the 45 Walmer Road front door to welcome children. Supervision will begin at 7:45am. Parents are not permitted into the library or any other part of the school. Daycare staff will dress and escort the JK and SK children to the school yard at 8:45am. Nursery children and their belongings will be escorted to their classroom at 8:45/8:50am. Students in Gr 1 - 6 will travel independently directly to their classroom at 8:45am.
After School Daycare Pick-Up: Where/When/How?Nursery (pick up between 3:10/3:30pm): Nursery parents or designated caregivers are permitted to enter the school and go directly to Nursery classroom to pick up their child(ren) and belongings if they prefer. Masks must be worn to enter the school building. Nursery children with siblings in Kindergarten will be escorted outside by 3:20pm by Daycare staff who will remain in the yard for supervision. These children will line up in the yard with their sibling(s) and await arrival of parent or designated caregiver. Nursery children with siblings in Gr 1-6 will be escorted outside by 3:20pm by Daycare staff who will remain in the yard for supervision. These children will line up in the yard with their sibling/s and await arrival of parent or designated caregiver. After School Daycare (pick up between 3:30 and 6:00pm): Parents are required to call the ICS Daycare cell number 647-518-6887 upon arrival at 45 Walmer Road. Parents are not permitted into the school yard. Daycare staff will dress (if help is needed) and escort the child(ren) to the front door of 45 Walmer Road or the North school yard gate. If the children are outside in the yard, the Daycare staff will enter the school with the child(ren) to collect personal belongings before escorting the child(ren) to the North school yard gate.
How do children transition from the school to after school daycare?Nursery: At 11:45am, Nursery children who are registered for Daycare will begin their afternoon program with Daycare staff. Daycare staff always liaise with Nursery teachers for updates and to support smooth transition of care. JK and SK: Between 3:10/3:20pm, Daycare staff will pick up registered Kindergarten children from their classrooms or school yard. Gr 1-3: Between 3:20/3:30pm, Daycare staff will pick up registered Gr 1-3 children from their classroom(s) or school yard. Gr 4-6: At 3:20/3:30pm, students will walk directly to the Multi-Purpose Room where Daycare staff awaits them. A daycare staff member will be outside to collect any children registered for daycare who may have forgotten to go directly to the daycare.
How will snack be provided?Daycare staff will serve a commercially prepared (store bought), individually wrapped snack to students. Single serving whole fruits (fruits that have not been cut) can be served. Staff will be wearing medical masks and face shields or eye protection at all times. Children will wash or sanitize their hands prior to and after eating their snack.
How do parents get in touch with Daycare staff?To communicate information with the Daycare, it is preferred that parents email ics.after.school.daycare@gmail.com as this email is monitored throughout the day. A response email will be sent to notify parents that the information has been received.
How do parents announce their arrival at pick-up?The Daycare cell phone is 647-518-6887 and dedicated to announcing parent arrival for pick-up. Parents are not permitted to enter the school, therefore parents must phone to announce arrival at the school. Children will be escorted to front door at 45 Walmer Road, or to North school yard gate (if children are already outside). Daycare staff will assist children to gather their personal belongings from inside.
Who can pick up my child?Upon registration, parents provide the Daycare with a list of adults who may pick their child(ren). If a new adult is required for pick-up, parents are required to email ics.after.school.daycare@gmail.com to inform the Daycare of the identity of the adult and confirm permission to pick up on specific date. Upon arrival, the adult must follow the pick-up procedures and provide identification to the Daycare staff.
What are the Daycare cohorts and what is their location?Daycare cohorts will be established once enrollment is confirmed. Children may be in Daycare between one and five days a week, but will remain with the same cohort. Each cohort will have a dedicated Daycare staff person. Groupings will be mixed grade, but size and student-to-teacher ratio will be in compliance with Ministry of Education and Public Health guidelines. Daycare cohorts (to be confirmed following enrollment): Nursery cohort will remain in the Nursery classroom JK and SK daycare cohort will utilize the JK classroom Gr 1 - 3 daycare cohort will utilize the Grade 1 classroom Gr 4 - 6 daycare cohort will utilize the Multi-Purpose Room
Can I register for Daycare after the school year begins?Families who wish their child(ren) to join Daycare after the start of the school year, must inquire with Daycare Supervisor regarding availability. Registration requires a commitment until the end of the term (e.g. December, March, June).
What is the hand washing routine?Children will be required to wash or sanitize hands before entering the Daycare. They will be required to wash or sanitize their hands before and after eating snack, and after using the washroom. They will be required to wash or sanitize their hands before and after going out into the school yard. Daycare staff will model, support and supervise the washing or sanitizing of students’ hands.
Where will my child’s belongings be located?In order to minimize movement in the building, children’s belongings will be brought to their Daycare location and remain with them indoors and in the school yard.
How will play materials be used and cleaned?After use, all materials will be disinfected by Daycare staff.
What will children be doing on Wednesday afternoons (following 12:00pm dismissal)?Wednesday afternoon is an extension of the regular Daycare program. On Wednesdays, children will eat lunch in their dedicated space (a litterless lunch from home or hot lunch program, The Lunch Mom). They will wash/sanitize their hands before and after eating lunch. Following lunch, children will have outdoor play time, and engage in a variety of activities based on the children’s interests, encompassing art, crafts, games, sports, and other projects.
What if a child presents with symptoms of illness at Daycare?Should a child develop symptoms of illness during the day, Daycare staff will immediately contact parents or emergency contact person to arrange for the child to be picked up. The symptomatic child will be isolated and supervised by a Daycare staff member until parent or designated caregiver arrives. Parents must follow Lab School’s illness protocols prior to return to school and Daycare.
What happens if a child or adult tests positive with COVID-19?If a child or adult tests positive for COVID-19, they are required to stay home for 24 hours. If, after 24 hours, they are asymptomatic, they may return to school but must wear a mask for 10 days. The child or adult must stay home if they have exhibit any symptoms.