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Staffing News

Dear Parents

Our Grade 5 teacher, Tanya Demjanenko, has been shortlisted to the administrative track at the Toronto District School Board. Although the timing of this promotion is a surprise for us, that Tanya’s many skills as an educator and as a leader have been recognized by others, is definitely not. We know that the school that receives her as a vice principal will be very fortunate indeed. We will remember Tanya’s strong and compassionate relationship with each child and her deep pedagogical and curricular knowledge. We hope to continue our relationship with Tanya at her new school as a future collaborator on joint research projects.

We have begun the hiring process to find an outstanding and experienced Gr 5 teacher. Here is a copy of the ad we have posted in public school list serves, Jobs in Education (the premium site for educational job searches) , and on our public website:

Our search for teachers always attracts many impressive applicants and we are committed to finding the perfect person for each position at Jackman ICS. The hiring committee will include: a divisional teacher; Special Ed teacher; Vice Principal, Chriss Bogert; a JICS professor; Parents’ Association representative and myself. I will chair the committee. If you have thoughts about the strengths and qualities you would like to see in the Jackman ICS Gr 5 teacher position, please send them to me:

All the best,


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416 934 4517

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416 934 4522


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