Topics covered in this post:
Welcome Back
Re-enrollment for 2020-2021
Parent volunteers for Parent Dance
Patrick Harvie Arts Fund
Hold the date: Feb 21
Lunar New Year - call for volunteers
JICS Fall Edition Newsletter
Parent Ed Events in February
Upcoming January Events
1. Welcome Back
It is so wonderful to be back together as a community after some holiday time. The Grade 3 and Grade 4 children, along with teachers Michael, Robin, Judith, Krista, Tory and 3 interns are snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and tubing at Camp Tawingo, Huntsville until Friday!

JICS students playing in the pine tree fort on the yard at recess.

Cooperative games at Camp Tawingo. See more photos below!
2. Re-enrollment for 2020-2021
Re-enrollment forms were emailed out this week for the 2020-2021 school year. The form and deposit are due in the office by Wednesday, January 22, 2020. The tuition represents a 3% increase from last year.
3. Call for Parent Volunteers
Volunteering is a great way to support the school, meet parents, and make new friends. We are looking for parents to help us organize a “Parent Dance” in our gym on the evening of Friday, February 21 as a fundraiser for the Patrick Harvie Arts Fund. The DJ (Norah Tones) and the caterer (Cuisine of India) have already been booked! Please contact Carol Stephenson or Ramona Omidvar-Khullar.
4. Patrick Harvie Arts Fund
This Fund enriches the educational and cultural experience of all JICS students through exposure to the arts by broadening the children’s access to different art forms through collaboration with various artists and arts organizations throughout the city. An Artist-in-Residence program allows professionals from the visual and performing arts communities to directly engage with students. Details regarding this year’s artist coming soon!
5. HOLD THE DATE: Feb 21
Please place a hold on Friday, February 21, 8:00pm for the JICS Parent Dance which will be held in our Gym!
6. Lunar New Year – call for volunteers
Saturday, January 25, 2020 is Lunar New Year, the joyous festival celebrated in many Asian countries that begins with the first new moon of the lunar calendar and ends on the first full moon of the lunar calendar, 15 days later. We are asking for parent volunteers to help us pick a date and plan with us to celebrate at JICS! If you are interested, please email your child’s teacher.
7. JICS Fall Edition Newsletter
If you didn’t get the chance to see the JICS Newsletter during the holidays, we hope you will ASAP. The Newsletter is an opportunity to “peak into” all parts of the school and learn about experiences that you may not know about. We design it to be shared between parents and children. Many thanks to Krista for her work in publishing it! Please check your email on Dec 19, 2019 for the link to the Newsletter!
8. Save these dates for Parent Ed in February Please make sure to mark your calendars with two upcoming events that you are not going to want to miss!
Tuesday, February 11 is our new date for Research Night 2020, following the Parents' Association meeting. This year we will be featuring our work with Knowledge Building research, which is a foundational part of our approach and classroom culture.
Wednesday, February 19 is our "Math Morning" which will be a golden opportunity for parents to learn about how we teach mathematics at JICS and get a peek into some classrooms during math learning times.
Look for details coming soon.
9. Upcoming January Events:
Wed 8 to Fri 10 – Gr 3 & 4 Trip to Camp Tawingo
Mon 13 – School-wide lice check (Thank you, PA)
Mon 13 – Phys Ed - Variety Village run “wheel-chair basketball” in JK-Gr 6
Mon 20 – POSTPONED Parent Education Evening: Research Night (new date Feb 11)
Wed 22 – Due date for re-enrolment and deposit (2020-2021)
Thur 23 – Information Open House for Nursery Applicants (2020-2021)
Sat 25 – Lunar New Year
Mon 27 – International Holocaust Remembrance Day
The Grade Threes and Fours are enjoying their time at Camp Tawingo near Huntsville, Ontario