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Parent Education Events, Daycare AGM

Topics covered in this post:

  1. Parent Education – Feb 11

  2. Parent Education – Feb 19

  3. Parent Dance

  4. Midterm Holiday – Daycare

  5. Letter from Daycare Board

  6. Author Visit

  7. Upcoming February Events


We are providing two very unique opportunities to learn what sets JICS apart! Join us for the following Parent Education events:

1. Parent Education Part 1

Research Night

February 11, 7:00-8:30pm (following the PA Meeting at 6:00pm. Room 363)

Learn about a research collaboration spanning over 20 years that has deeply influenced the way we teach at JICS in order for students to develop the skills they need to be successful learners.

Presenters: Dr. Marlene Scardamalia and JICS teachers

Title: Your Child’s Contribution to Knowledge Building Research: Becoming Creators, Not Just Users of Knowledge

RSVP to attend

Free babysitting provided by the Parents’ Association

2. Parent Education Part 2

Math Morning

February 19, 8:30-10:00am

Join us as we present about our approach to teaching math up the grades at JICS. The morning will include a tour of selected classrooms and a Q&A with a panel of teachers.

Presenters: JICS faculty and administration

Title: Nurturing Mathematical Minds: An opportunity to find out more about how JICS teaches math and why!

RSVP to attend


3. Parent Dance

“Bring Back the 90s Parent Party”

Who: JICS parents and faculty/staff

When: February 21, 8:00pm

Where: 25 Howland Ave

Why: to enrich the Arts at JICS


4. Midterm Holiday – Daycare

School will be closed on Friday, February 14. Register for Daycare here.

The Daycare will be running a March Break Camp during the week of March 9 - 13 and a Summer Camp, June 15 - 19 and June 22 - 28. Registration information coming soon.


5. Letter from Daycare Board

Dear Daycare Families and JICS Community:

The Annual General Meeting of members of ICS After School Daycare will be held on Tuesday February 25th, 2020. Registration and refreshments from 5:00pm, with meeting between 5:15 – 5:45pm. The AGM will be held in Room 120. Childcare will be provided, along with pizza dinner for children and all attendees.

All parents are encouraged to attend this important meeting. Daycare parents and the JICS community are considered ‘members’ of the Corporation, and interested in furthering the Daycare’s objectives of providing quality childcare and programming for JICS students. Your presence is important.

The purpose of the AGM:

  • Introduce the current Daycare Board and recruit new Board members for open Board positions

  • Present the Annual Report of the Board, which will highlight the work of the Board, strengths of the Daycare, and future goals of the Board for the Daycare

  • Review the year-end Financial Statements

  • Opportunity for informal discussion and questions

The Daycare Board is looking for new members. The Board of Directors role is to support the Daycare Supervisor in providing quality childcare, while ensuring fiscal responsibility. The Board meets once a month for 1.5 hours and childcare is provided. Workload between meetings is low. Should you be interested, or have any questions, please contact any Board member in person, or via

Please RSVP to Anne Marie at by Monday February 24th.

Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.


ICS After School Daycare Board of Directors

Janina Shuster Michelle Pearce Paul Miskew

Anne Cassidy Richard Messina


6. Author Visit for Gr 4-6

On Wednesday, we welcomed author, Robin Stevenson. She has written many non-fiction books for young people, including Kid Activists: True Tales of Childhood from Champions of Change, Pride: Celebrating Diversity and Community, Ghost’s Journey: A Refugee Story as well as many works of fiction, including Record Breaker. The Grade 5 & 6 classes learned about the childhood of various kid activists and common themes to their stories. They also had some conversations about the writing process, for example, how to move beyond dialogue to richer writing. The Grade 4s learned about various reasons why people become refugees, and many of the students shared ways that their families have supported newcomers to Canada. It was an inspiring day, filled with important stories, and meaningful learning.

The author visit was supported by the JICS Library Fund, which has been created through donation from JICS parents. Thank you!

Email from Robin Stevenson: I was here three years ago and was so impressed with this school – it’s lovely to be back! What a great group of kids and teachers, and what a cozy, friendly library. Kudos to Krista for her work building a diverse collection – so many good books here


7. Upcoming February Events (Black History Month):

Fri 7 – Gr 1-3 morning skate; Gr 4-6 afternoon skate (Bill Bolton Arena)

Tues 11 – Parents’ Association Meeting 6:00pm

Tues 11 – Parent Education: JICS Research Night 7:00-8:30pm RSVP (free babysitting)

Fri 14 – Midterm Holiday (school closed, daycare open)

Mon 17 – Family Day (school and daycare closed)

Wed 19 – Parent Education: Math Morning 8:30-10:00am RSVP

Fri 21 – Gr 1-3 morning skate; Gr 4-6 afternoon skate (Bill Bolton Arena)

Fri 21 – Parent Dance (supporting enriching the arts at JICS – PHA Fund) 8:00-12:00pm Purchase tickets

Tues 25 – Daycare Annual General Meeting 5:00-5:45am (All parents invited – free babysitting) RSVP


Grade 6 students, Vanessa, Ghavriel and Sofia, shared important voices at the OISE Climate Action Summit last week.


Nursery students tried out Yoga in Phys Ed class

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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522


45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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