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Zoombilee Tonight, Anti-Black Racism, Coffee with Admin, Graduation

Topics covered in this post:

  1. JICS “Family Zoom-bilee”

  2. Anti-Black Racism

  3. Coffee and Conversation with Chriss and Richard

  4. Grade 6 Graduation

  5. Grade 5 Outreach

  6. Public Purpose – Teacher Education

  7. Pick-Up of Student Material/Belongings

  8. Upcoming June Events


1. JICS “Family Zoom-bilee”

Tune in here at 7:00pm sharp tonight for the first ever JICS Family Zoombilee, an evening full of singing, dancing, special guest appearances, and beautiful photos of children and staff to celebrate the 2019-2020 school year.

To watch the live stream, all you need to do is click on the link above to view it from the JICS YouTube page. We recommend setting up a device prior to 7pm with external speakers or by connecting it to a TV if possible to ensure everyone in your family can hear and see the entirety of this event. This will not be something you want to miss! The countdown will begin with fun music at 6:45pm. Print the lyrics of songs we will be singing in advance here.


2. Anti-Black Racism

The JICS community has been deeply impacted by the events that are unfolding in the U.S., Canada, and around the world in the wake of the death of George Floyd. We are outraged, shocked, and saddened, and we wish to extend our condolences to all those who are suffering, in particular communities of colour. JICS rejects racism and discrimination, and we stand with our Black students, families, alum and staff and all those who continue to experience racism. Issues of racism run deep, are systemically entrenched, and impact so many people, not just in the U.S., but across Canada and in our own community.

As a mission-driven school that aims to inspire our students to shape a better world, we believe in the power of critical thinking and dialogue to make meaning and advance understanding. Sharing perspectives and most importantly, building compassion and empathy through open and honest discourse, are important stepping stones toward taking action and effecting change within JICS and beyond.

Together, we will continue to challenge each other, create safe and brave spaces to have important conversations about anti-Black racism and discrimination at JICS. We each have a role to play, and all voices must be heard, valued and respected. This work is uncomfortable and not easy, and we are committed.


3. 2nd Coffee and Conversation with Chriss and Richard

Join Chriss and Richard for an informal opportunity to chat and check-in with each other.

When: Wednesday, June 10, 10:00am

Where: The comfort of your own home

How: We will be sending out a Zoom video conference link via email.

Don't forget to have a cup of coffee or tea and join us. We look forward to 'seeing' you!


4. Grade 6 Graduation

For the first time in JICS history, the Grade 6 Graduation will be live-streamed for the entire JICS student and family community to observe. Join us on Thursday, June 11, 1:30pm to celebrate the class of 2020!

Please check your email on Thursday for the link to the live stream!


5. Grade 5 Outreach

The Grade 5 students want to do something kind during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are raising money for the Daily Break Food Bank because they understand that there is such a need for people to have food, especially now. They wrote an email to their parents encouraging them to donate. Some of the students were sponsored or did extra chores a home. Gr 5 student, Mia and her mom decided to design and make masks to sell and they are donating their profits to the food bank. So far, they have raised over $1400! More info here. To inspire the class, Cate offered to donate $5 for every $50 donation. As of Thursday, June 4th they have raised over $4200 for the Daily Bread Food Bank! Congratulations, Grade 5 students!


6. Public Purpose – Teacher Education

It is an honour to serve the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) as a laboratory for learning about child development and to provide practicum experiences and share our expertise with the Masters of Child Study and Education (MA CSE) teacher candidates. We are very proud of MA CSE graduate, Mariam Abeid who completed her internship (Fall 2019) under the guidance of mentor teacher, Michael Martins (JICS Gr 3) and was with mentor teacher, David Osorio (JICS JK) last year. Read Mariam’s inspirational story here and how she overcame great challenges to become a gifted teacher.


7. Pick Up of Student Material/Belongings

Your child’s personal material will be ready for pick up during the week of June 22-26. Only one adult will be permitted onsite per family. Individual teachers will notify you soon regarding specific dates/times.


8. Long-Distance Photos!

Enjoy these photos of students learning from home! Keep them coming for future posts by emailing them to Tory:


9. Upcoming June Events

Thurs 4 – JICS “Family Zoom-bilee” A community live stream end of year celebration event. 7:00pm (formerly known as Music Night) Tune in here

Wed 10 – Coffee and Conversation with Chriss and Richard 10:00am. Zoom video link will be emailed.

Thurs 11 – Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony live stream 1:30pm

Fri 12 – Last day of school

Mon 22-Fri 26 – Parent Pick-Up of Student Material/Belongings (details coming soon)

Tues 30 – Report Cards mailed home

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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

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Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522


45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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