Topics covered in this post:
1. PA September Social
TONIGHT, 6:00-8:00pm
We are looking forward to seeing everyone this evening in the school gym. Thank you to the JICS Parents’ Association for organizing the much-anticipated evening of food, wine, smiles, and laughter. Please note that babysitting is now full, and registration is closed. Thank you, PA for making the babysitting possible! UPDATE: Please enter at the entrance at 45 Walmer
This event will be indoors and we respect everyone's right to choose
the PPE that is best for them.
2. COVID-19 Policy Updates
Toronto Public Health has updated their “daily screening for children” parent guide. Please read thoroughly and see the required length of isolation if a child tests positive.
One new change is that for 10 days after the start of symptoms OR a positive COVID-19 test (whichever came first) OR for 10 days after your last close contact with a person who has symptoms or a positive COVID-19 test, you must wear a well-fitted mask in all public settings (this includes JICS).
a) Stay Home & Self-Isolate if You are Sick
Stay home until you have no fever and your symptoms are improving for at least 24 hours (or 48 hours if nausea/vomiting/diarrhea).
Anyone who is feeling sick or has any new or worsening symptoms of illness, including those not listed in this screening tool, should stay home until their symptoms are improving and seek assessment from their health care provider if needed.
b) Follow Extra Measures
For 10 days after the start of symptoms OR a positive COVID-19 test (whichever came first) OR for 10 days after your last close contact with a person who has symptoms or a positive COVID-19 test:
Wear a well-fitted mask in all public settings (including schools/child care, unless <2 years of age);
Avoid non-essential activities where you need to take off your mask (e.g., dining out, playing a wind instrument, high contact sports where masks cannot be safely worn), with reasonable exceptions such as when eating in a shared space at school while maintaining as much distancing as possible;
Do not visit people or settings (e.g. hospitals, long-term care homes) at higher risk, including where there are seniors or those who are immunocompromised.
3. Arrive on Time
Learning begins at 8:45am each day for our JK to Grade 6 students. The beginning of each school day is an important time for your child. There is strong evidence of academic, social, and emotional benefits for those students who are in the classroom as the day begins. Please assist us by maintaining your efforts for your child to arrive in a safe and timely manner to be ready for the start of the school day.
Children who arrive late (after 8:45am), must be brought to the reception at 45 Walmer Road as all other entrances will be locked at 8:45am. The receptionist will provide an “I’ve arrived!” slip to the child. Our office will update the class register for your child from “absent” to “present.”
4. Parking Complaints
We value our relationship with our neighbours. Unfortunately, we have received complaints from them due to JICS parents/caregivers stopping or parking in front of their driveways. PLEASE be courteous and NEVER block the driveway of a neighbour. It is the responsibility of JICS parents to share this information to all caregivers dropping off and picking up children.
5. More Info on School Events
a) Lice Check – Today
The Lice Squad conducted a lice check to each child and staff member today. This screening is possible thanks to your donations to the JICS Parents’ Association!
b) Photo Day
Monday, September 19
Individual and class photos by Focus on Children Photography will take place Monday, September 19. Please dress your children in bright colours! Focus on Children Photography will provide each student with a unique online code for parents to view their photos and place their order. Ordered photos will be distributed to children at school when they arrive.
c) Terry Fox Run
Tuesday, September 20
Next Tuesday, each class, JK to Grade 6, will be participating in the Terry Fox Run at Jean Sibelius Park on Kendal Avenue beginning at approximately 9:15am from the school yard. Huge thanks to PA Volunteer Coordinators, Sanaz Mazinani and Marjorie Spencer, and to all our parent volunteers for helping with supervision along the route. If you are interested in participating, please contact Sanaz Mazinani and Marjorie Spencer.
Each year, we ask everyone to bring $1.00 or more to donate to cancer research. You can donate directly to the Terry Fox Foundation “The Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study” Donation Page.
6. More Info on Parent Events
a) Meeting Space for Parents of JICS BIPOC Children
Tuesday, September 27, 7:00-8:30pm
JICS Parents have created a safe space for parents of BIPOC children to discuss the issues impacting our children, and as a means to collect and convey our observations, our needs as racialised families, and any advice to the school around equity and inclusion. If you would like to join, the next meeting is on September 27, 7:00pm. A zoom address will be emailed to registered participants. RSVP HERE.
b) Curriculum Night
Wednesday, September 28, 6:00pm-8:00pm
Why Curriculum Night? Curriculum Night is the most important parent education event of the year and we expect that all parents will attend. Teachers thoughtfully and carefully plan for this opportunity to share what your child’s class will be experiencing and accomplishing this year. Questions you may have about what is taught and how we teach will be addressed. Although it is not an interview about your child (Parent/Teacher Interviews will take place on November 16 & 23), Curriculum Night gives you the fullest picture of the year your child is in, the teachers your child is with, and the expectations and plans for learning at your child's grade level.
What is the schedule of the evening? For Curriculum Night 2022, entry to the school will be from 45 Walmer Road (only) at 5:45 pm. Please see the schedule below. lIf your child is in Nursery to Gr 1, please note that the presentation by the classroom teachers will begin in the classrooms promptly at 6:00pm. 6:00pm (sharp) - 6:45pm (sharp) Curriculum Presentations for Nursery, JK, SK, Gr 1 and 2 parents 6:50pm - 7:05pm ALL PARENTS AND CLASSROOM AND SPECIALTY TEACHERS gather in School Gym for Welcome & Introductions 7:10pm (sharp) - 7:55pm (sharp) Curriculum Presentations for Gr 3, 4, 5, and 6 parents
How will we learn about the Specialty Classes (French, Visual Arts, Drama, Phys Ed, Special Ed, Library, Music)? We have produced short documentaries about each specialty subject. The specialty teachers have described their program and you will be able to glimpse into their classrooms. A link to these videos will be sent out soon. All specialty teachers will be introduced in the gym at 6:50pm on Curriculum Night.
Is there babysitting? Unfortunately we are not able to provide babysitting.
7. JICS Parents’ Association Annual Fees - $175
All parents are part of the JICS Parents’ Association (PA). As in previous years, the PA is asking all parents to pay a $25 membership fee, and a suggested donation of $150. We do recognize that not all families are similarly situated. Thus, for those who, for whatever reason, do not feel comfortable with the suggested donation amount, you can opt to pay the $25 fee, and specify any donation amount that you feel comfortable in contributing. Some of the initiatives we are funding are today’s lice screening and this evening’s babysitting.
To make your contributions, please click here.
While we are still some time away from United Way season, note also that you or your organization can contribute to the PA through the United Way, by directing your donations to the St. George’s School Parents’ Association, Charitable Registration #119175537-RR0001. The PA is also a registered charity with Benevity (under the name "Jackman ICS Parents' Association"). If you wish to make a donation in such ways, please contact the PA Treasurer, Shawn Konopinsky (jicstreasurer@gmail.com).
8. Learning about Ecology in our Courtyard
This week staff and students had the pleasure of learning about the ecology of our courtyard space from Ben Porchuk. We learned about the difference species of plants and trees and how they interact with each other and the animals around them. It was an eye opening experience to learn more deeply about the complexity of the natural world that exists within our school.
9. School Photos
10. Upcoming September Events
Thur 15 – School-wide lice check. Thanks, PA!
Thur 15 – September Parent Social by the PA. 6:00-8:00pm. School gym.
Mon 19 – Photo Day Mon 19 – Running Club Begins (Gr. 4 to 6). More details coming soon.
Tues 20 – Terry Fox Run (JK to Gr 6)
Wed 21 to Fri 23 – Grade 6 Trip to Camp Olympia
Sun 25 to Tues 27 – Rosh Hashanah
Tues 27 - Meeting Space for Parents of JICS BIPOC Children. 7:00pm. (Register here)
Wed 28 – Rowen’s Day (Concussion Safety) Wed 28 – Curriculum Night. More details coming soon.
Fri 30 – Orange Shirt Day. More details coming soon.