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Devices, Spring Break, Parent Teacher Interviews

Updated: Apr 9, 2021

Topics covered in this post:

  1. Ramadan Kareem!

  2. Distance Education JK to Grade 6 (April 8 and 9)

  3. Borrowed Technology at Home

  4. Spring Break (April 12 to 16)

  5. Return to In-Person Learning on Monday, April 19

  6. Staying Safe and Healthy During Spring Break

  7. Spring Travel

  8. Parent Teacher Interviews (April 21 and 28) Sign Up

  9. Read-A-Thon

  10. Teacher/Staff Appreciation Lunch

  11. My Pandemic Story - Optional Art Activity

  12. PHOTOS

  13. Upcoming April Events


1. Ramadan Kareem!

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar and the holy month of fasting begins and ends with the appearance of the crescent moon on April 12 and May 11. Islamic tradition states that it was during Ramadan, on the “Night of Power” that God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad the Qurʾān, Islam’s holy book, as a guidance for the people. For Muslims, Ramadan is a period of introspection, communal prayer in the mosque, and reading of the Qurʾān. God forgives the past sins of those who observe the holy month with fasting, prayer, and faithful intention. Wishing you all the blessings of the holy month.


2. Distance Education JK to Grade 6 (April 8 and 9)

JICS teachers, staff and parents: thank you for your continued patience, cooperation, and understanding as we all navigate through this pandemic together.


3. Borrowed Technology at Home

Lab School devices are to be used by students at home only for school purposes on Thursday, April 8 and Friday, April 9, 2021. The devices must not be used for recreational purposes at any time, and should not be used at all over the Spring Break (Saturday, April 10 - Sunday, April 18, inclusive). Parents are responsible for the care of the devices, and for paying for any repair or replacement costs, should the device become damaged while in students’ homes. Devices are to be brought back on the first day that the school reopens.


4. Spring Break (April 12 to 16)

We hope that everyone enjoys a healthy, restful, and safe Spring Break next week.


5. Return to In-Person Learning on Monday, April 19

Thank you for continuing to follow the public health and safety measures that have kept our school open and safe for students and staff. It is our collective effort that continues to ensure your children can learn in the classroom.

As per recent announcements, the province has implemented a provincewide shutdown for four weeks in response to worsening trends in key health indicators across the province.

The mental health and well-being of children continues to be a key priority and we understand from Julia Danos (Executive Lead, Education Reopening Secretariat, Ministry of Education) that all public and independent schools, including the JICS Lab School, will remain open for in-person learning (Nursery to Grade 6) through the Provincial Emergency and Stay at Home Order. Following the Spring Break (April 12 to 16), schools will reopen for in-person learning on Monday, April 19th. Please note that we offer hybrid learning (online learning for a student working from home while the school is open) only if children are required to stay home due to TPH COVID isolation requirements. With the demands on teachers who are at school working hard to provide engaging and rich learning experiences while incorporating the COVID-19 safety protocols, in-person learning takes all of our teachers' focus and all of the school’s resources. Teachers cannot be available to students at home by choice. We are very aware that other schools have found the transition to distance education and hybrid learning to be easy. At JICS, we are unwilling to compromise the rich learning experience of the children in school.


6. Staying Safe During Spring Break

In light of the recently announced measures, it is more important than ever that we continue to follow health advice over the Spring Break to do our part to keep our school open for in-person student learning.

At this critical point in the pandemic, the following public health measures are crucial to help prevent and limit the spread of COVID-19:

  • Socialize with your own household.

  • Stay home and get tested if you feel ill.

  • Screen every day, including during spring break, for COVID-19 symptoms.

  • Practice good hand hygiene habits, masking and physical distancing

  • Refer to to learn what public health measures are in place in our community.

  • Refrain from travelling.

For the week of April 12th-18th, pharmacies that offer testing and assessment centres across the province will accept appointments from students and education staff for asymptomatic testing. Parents are encouraged to take advantage of this testing capacity to have their children tested to support a safe return to school on April 19th.

As a reminder, before coming back to school on April 19th, you must screen for COVID-19 symptoms. If your child or anyone in your household is ill, stay home and follow the guidance in the school screener.

By following public health advice, we can all enjoy a safe Spring Break and continue to support in-person learning in our school.


7. Spring Travel

We expect anyone travelling outside of Ontario to follow the current recommendations of the Ontario government to self-isolate for 14 days upon returning home, and to only travel if it is essential. If you plan to travel anywhere outside of Canada or Ontario this Spring, please fill out the JICS Travel Form. Please ensure that you are following the required protocols for safe travel as well as a safe return. Note that teachers do not prepare work material for students if their absence is related to a vacation.


8. Parent Teacher Interviews (April 21 and April 28) Sign Up

Below are the links to sign up for your Spring interview with your child’s/children’s teachers.


9. Read-A-Thon

Thank you for your support of this year’s JICS Library fundraiser. Tomorrow is the last day for donations. We have raised $3500 to date!!!


10. Teacher/Staff Appreciation Lunch

On Wednesday, April 7 we were treated to a delicious, healthy lunch from Flock and a special dessert of donuts and cupcakes. Casey, Erin, Christina, Tracy, Kate and Kelly, thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity. Your timing, as we pivot to distance education, could not have been better.


11. My Pandemic Story - Optional Art Activity

The ROM is soliciting art work (drawing, painting, collage, photograph, sculpture, song or video, a poem) from children aged 4-18 entitled “My Pandemic Story.” If your child is interested in participating, more information can be found on the ROM website.

Submissions can be:

  • a picture—like a drawing, painting, collage, or photograph

  • a sculpture

  • a song or video

  • a poem




13. Upcoming April Events

Thurs 8 to Fri 9 – Distance Education for JK to Grade 6 students. Nursery children at school.

Fri 9 – Parent Information Post Talks 9:30 - 10:00am (Zoom link)

Mon 12 to Fri 16 – Spring Break. School closed

Mon 12 – Ramadan begins at sunset

Wed 14 – International Day of Pink (Assembly/School Celebration Date TBD)

Mon 19 to Fri 23 – Earth Week

Wed 21 – Parent Teacher Interviews PM

Fri 23 – Parent Information Post Talks 9:30 - 10:00am (Zoom link)

Tues 27 – Daycare Annual General Meeting 5:30pm

Wed 28 – Parent Teacher Interviews PM

Fri 30 – 2021-2022 Tuition Payment Due Date (second non-refundable payment representing 50% of the balance)

Nursery Tuition is $16,807. 50% balance = $5904 (non-refundable)

Full Day (JK to Grade 6) Tuition is $26,114. 50% balance = $10 557 (non-refundable)


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