Topics covered in this post:

1. Halloween at JICS
The JICS faculty and staff are planning an extra special Halloween experience this year with creative ideas to ensure that the day is full of excitement. We will be joined by Music Teachers, Russell and Suzanne who will lead us in spooky songs such as The Monster Mash. We invite children to come to school on Friday, October 29 in costume. If children require help with their costume, that will certainly be available. This National Geographic article entitled: Can kids wear that? What to know about culturally insensitive costumes provides helpful advice to do the holiday sensitively.
2. Halloween Candy
With Halloween and the winter holidays fast approaching, we want to share ways that can help make our school a safe and more inclusive place for students with food allergies. We prefer that students do not eat candy while at school. We avoid sweet treats, preferring wholesome snacks whenever possible. However, there is a place for sweets in our diets and parents may choose to occasionally pack individual portions in student lunches or snacks from home. Students are not permitted to share candy, treats, or gum with others. In preparing your child’s lunch and snack, please be certain that all ingredients listed are free of nuts and nut warnings.
3. Parent Education - PFLAG
If you missed the PA Parent Education PFLAG presentation on October 14 you can view it on the Parent Education section of the JICSfamily website. The evening focused on inclusive parenting and how to create an affirming environment for your child, and children in general, on topics related to gender identity and sexual orientation.
We strongly recommend that this be viewed by all JICS parents.
PFLAG provides ongoing support to parents who have questions about their children or just need to talk. Their 24-hour, confidential phone line is open to LGBTQ2S+ individuals, and their parents, family, and friends. The trained volunteers are parents who understand what you're going through and they are able to suggest community resources and reading materials that are suitable for your particular situation.
4. Parent Education - Social Media and Protecting Your Child's Sense of Self
If you missed this afternoon’s session with JICS Social Worker, Ellie Lathrop, a recording is posted on the Parent Education section of the JICSfamily website. Ellie packs a great deal of valuable information for parents in her 30min presentation.
5. Diwali Celebrations
Thursday, November 4 is Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights. Our school community looks forward to this celebration each year. We are asking parents to help us celebrate. If you are interested, please email your child’s teacher and/or Richard.
6. Cultural Celebrations
We partner with families to help children broaden their view of themselves and others by ensuring that they encounter “mirrors” of their own background and experience, as well as “windows” to new experiences, understanding and appreciations. Throughout the school year, we invite parents to enrich our learning by sharing their culture and identity with us. Parents work with classroom teachers and the school to help us celebrate Jewish holidays, Diwali, Lunar New Year, Ramadan, Eid, Black History Month, Pride, and other festivities and observances. Thank you for your help!
7. COVID-19 Update: Rapid Screening Kits - Buffer Solution
Parents have been in touch, concerned that the buffer solution that was included in the Rapid Screening Kits is running out. We have contacted CDL and they informed us that they have provided the same sufficient amount in the 84,000+ kits. Unfortunately, ordering additional buffer solution is not possible because the solution was approved for use by Health Canada as part of a kits and not individually. We have approximately 16 tests (8 weeks) of Rapid Test Devices remaining in the boxes that were provided to each JICS family and staff member.
During the remaining time, the following are ways we each can ensure that we have enough buffer solution:
Only fill the tube exactly to that bottom line. Over filling the tube potentially leads to invalid results (given the virus sample might be too diluted) and it will cause you to run out of buffer early.
Ensure that when you are filling the tubes with buffer, you double check both that the bottom white cap, and that the blue cap on top, are both sealed tightly.
8. Hot Lunch Program
The due date for our hot lunch program (The Lunch Mom) Winter Term registration is October 25. Interested parents can sign up here.
More Photos!
Upcoming October Events
Islamic Heritage & LGBT History Month
Mon 25 – Registration due date for Winter Term Hot Lunch Program
Fri 29 – Halloween at JICS (details coming soon)
Upcoming November Events
Hindu Heritage Month
Thurs 4 – Diwali (5 Days of Celebration: Nov 2-6)
Tues 9 – Due date for JICS sibling registration for Nursery 2022-2023 (email coming soon)
Wed 10 – Due date for applications to Apple Financial for 2022-2023 tuition support
Thurs 11 – Remembrance Day
Fri 12 – PD Day. School closed. Daycare open for current daycare students.
Mon 15 – Midterm Holiday. School closed. Daycare open for current daycare students.
Wed 17 – Parent Teacher Interviews (sign up information coming soon)
Wed 24 – Parent Teacher Interviews (sign up information coming soon)
Tues 30 – Giving Tuesday