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Halloween Info, Parent Education Event, Diwali Photos, and More

Topics covered in this post:

A student poses with a book in the library during Diwali
A student poses with a book in the library during Diwali


1. Halloween

Monday, October 31, 9:00am

We look forward to the children arriving to school in costume if they wish on Monday, October 31. The JICS faculty and staff are creating a special Halloween experience for all. Parents are encouraged to join us for the (JK to Gr 6) Halloween Costume Parade in the school yard at 9:00am. More Halloween information (costumes, candy, etc.) can be found in the October 13 Parent Information POST.


2. Parent Education: Connected Parenting and Anxiety

The Importance of Connection, How to Build a Meaningful Relationship with your Child, and How to Help them Manage Feelings of Anxiety

Wednesday, November 9, 7:00-8:30pm

Parent Education Poster

This is not another workshop about parenting advice or one that outlines yet another list of skills or strategies you need to acquire to be the “perfect” parent. This is a workshop that focusses on understanding connection in human relationships – specifically the critical importance of connection in parent-child relationships. It focusses on the WHY and the HOW TO.We will take a deeper dive into a positive parenting model that really works, called Connected Parenting. Connected Parenting helps parents understand that a few adjustments in how they interact with, and respond to their child, can dramatically impact their relationship in the short and long term.

Please send questions about parenting in advance to Parent Ed Coordinator Kerry or include your questions in your registration and Ulrica will address your questions during the workshop.


3. Financial Support

The JICS Lab School is committed to needs-based financial support that will both enable increased diversity and retain current Lab School families. Tuition support is available to current students entering Grades 3-6 in the 2023-2024 school year.

Application and assessment of financial need is made through an arms-length, confidential application to Apple Financial Services, and decisions are made by a sub-committee at the JICS Lab School. All applications and requests are confidential.

The deadline for applications to Apple Financial is November 10.

If you are interested in donating to the JICS Diana Rankin Muncaster Family Tuition Support Fund or the JICS Lab School Endowment Fund, please see here or speak with Richard Messina.


4. SK Bollywood Dance

On Thursday, October 27 the SK Class performed a Bollywood Dance to celebrate Diwali. This choreography was lead by Priya (Kairav’s mother). For four weeks, the SKs rehearsed their dance and then performed in front of multiple other classes. After their dance, the SKs invited everyone in the audience to come and join them dancing. It was a fantastic performance.

Congratulations SKs and thank you Priya!


5. Health and Safety Update

We are always in conversation with independent and public schools throughout the city and collectively we are noticing a trend of increased absences due to sickness. This week at JICS, we have noticed an increase of absences. These absences are both COVID and non-COVID related illnesses.

Please remember to use the Toronto Public Health “daily screening for children” guide and see the required length of isolation if a child tests positive.

As we say in the parent handbook:

All JICS students are strongly encouraged to wear proper fitting masks while indoors at school (with exception for those with a medical condition). We strongly encourage proper fitting KN95 masks, medical masks, or 3-ply cloth masks for students, provided by parents. We suggest that each child bring 3 masks daily (arrival, after morning recess, after lunch/afternoon recess) and 2 labelled containers: “clean masks” and “used masks” along with child’s name.

We recognize that, at this time, masking is a personal choice. Please refer to the Parent Handbook for more information on COVID-19 Health and Safety Measures.


6. School Photos

a. Diwali

Wishing you a Diwali that brings happiness, prosperity, and joy to you and all your family.

On Monday, October 24, JICS celebrated Diwali as a school. Students wore kurtas, salwar kameez, dupatta, lehenga choli or their favourite colourful clothing. Both students and parents shared some of their favourite Diwali stories and traditions with their classes. Thank you to all the families who helped us celebrate in such a special way!


b. Other Highlights from the Week at JICS


Nursery Phys Ed


Junior Recess


Shakespeare Elective


Survival Skills Elective


Baking Elective


9. Upcoming October Events

All Month Islamic Heritage Month & LGBT History Month

Mon 31 – Halloween (9:00am, JK - Gr 6 Parade)


10. Upcoming November Events

All Month Hindu Heritage Month

Wed 9 – Due date for JICS sibling registration for Nursery 2023-2024

Wed 9 – Parent Education: Connected Parenting and Anxiety. Click Here for event info

Thur 10 – Due date for applications to Apple Financial for 2023-2024 tuition support

Fri 11 – Remembrance Day Assembly (JK to Gr 6)

Mon 14 – Midterm Holiday. School closed. Daycare open.

Wed 16 – Parent Teacher Interview Day (sign up information coming soon)

Wed 23 – Parent Teacher Interview Day (sign up information coming soon)




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