Topics covered in this post:
Parent Education: March 16
Parent Education: March 25
Parent Information Post Talks
Upcoming March Events
1. Parent Education: March 16
JICS Parenting Workshop Series with Social Worker, Ellie Lathrop
March 16th | 12:30pm

We are a year into the pandemic and hopefully seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. And there is also a collective exhaustion. Join us to take a breath and share an introduction on how mindfulness practices can help you as a parent become more present for your children and all of their experiences. Mindfulness has also been shown to support in becoming less reactive or automatic when we are responding to our children. Additionally, mindfulness encourages us to slow down, with compassion and this can lead to improved self-care and more effective parenting. As always, we will have a 30 min talk that will be recorded and 30 min of open discussion with parents to allow time for questions. The discussion and questions will not be recorded.
RSVP to this lunch time talk to receive email reminders with the Parent Education zoom link.
2. Parent Education: March 25
Book and Ticket Event: Gutter Child with author Jael Richardson
March 25th | 7:00pm
Join us for a night of Q&A with Jael Richardson, author and artistic director of the FOLD literary festival, the books columnist on CBC Radio’s q and an outspoken advocate on issues of diversity. Moderated by Harper Collins Editor and JICS Parent, Jennifer Lambert.

The JICS Parents' Association has purchased five copies of Gutter Child for the school library. If a member of the community would like to attend but does not have the means to purchase a book/ticket, please contact Richard directly for a link to the event.
with the code "JICS Gutter Child event" to receive a ticket to the event.
3. Read-A-Thon
Thank you for supporting our annual JICS Library fundraiser. The funds gathered go directly toward visiting authors, illustrators, and storytellers, and to purchasing books for the library.
4. Parent Information Post Talks
Join Chriss and Richard each Friday (Thursdays in March) at 9:30-10:00am to ask any questions or simply to chat! Please archive this zoom link and password for future reference. New families, joining JICS in September 2021, are most welcome!
Zoom link: https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/82065545911 Password: jicsfamily
10. Upcoming March Events
Fri 12 – Rescheduled March Break. School closed
Tues 16 – Parenting Workshop Series with Ellie Lathrop: Mindful Parenting | 12:30pm RSVP
Fri 19 – Rescheduled March Break. School closed
Sun 21 – Nowruz, Persian New Year's Day
Fri 26 – Rescheduled March Break. School closed
Sat 27 – Passover begins (evening)
Sun 28 & Mon 29 – First 2 days of Passover
Parent Information Post Talks 9:30 - 10:00am (Zoom link) will take place on Thursdays in March:
Thurs 11
Thurs 18
Thurs 25