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Rapid Tests, PA Letter, Playground Renovation

Topics covered in this post:

child building
"It's a volcano!"
  1. Happy Hanukkah!

  2. COVID Update - Rapid Tests

  3. Letter from JICS Parents' Association

  4. Playground Renovation

  5. Children's Playground Dreams

  6. Supporting the Arts at JICS

  7. Supporting the JICS Library

  8. Parent Education

  9. Upcoming December Events


1. Happy Hanukkah!

May this Hanukkah bring you good health, peace, and happiness. May it add sweetness to your life today and always.


2. COVID Update - Rapid Tests

As we approach the end of our current supply of Rapid Tests (Dec 19), we are happy to let you know that we will continue to participate in the Rapid Screening Consortium through the Creative Destruction Lab (CDL). The new kits (20 tests) will be distributed next week.

What remains the same:

  1. The Rapid Screening Program is mandatory for all JICS students and staff.

  2. Rapid screening is only for asymptomatic individuals. If your child has a COVID symptom, please pick up a PCR saliva test from the school or consult TPH.

  3. JICS students and faculty/staff are asked to continue with the Sunday/Wednesday rapid testing and to upload results to Thrive, during the winter holidays. In qualifying for the free tests, we have committed to 10 consecutive weeks of data collection for CDL beginning Wednesday, December 22 (or earlier if you have used up the test supply in the first kit).

  4. The new supply will bring us to Sunday, February 27, 2022.

What is new:

1. The Panbio Covid-19 Ag Rapid Test Device has been replaced with the Nasal: BTNX Rapid Response Device. Please indicate the new device on Thrive.

screenshot of dropdown menu

2. The kits are slightly different, and we suggest parents read the package insert (instructions).

This program adds an additional layer of protection to our community, and it adheres to our public purpose as a research-based school that explores best practises in order to improve public school education. More information about rapid testing and other JICS COVID safety measures can be found on the COVID-19 Information page.


3. Letter from JICS Parents' Association

Dear JICS parent community,

It is corporate giving season, and I would like to bring to your attention that, this year again, it is possible to donate to the JICS Parents’ Association through Benevity and United Way.

As last year, contributions received through these channels will mostly be directed towards PA activities. However, insofar as donations exceed $5600, they will be redirected to the school’s Tuition Support Program. Last year, $1121.67 was donated on behalf of parents to the Tuition Support Program from United Way and Benevity donations.

If you want to contribute through the United Way and Benevity, please note the following instructions:

Contribute to the St. George's School Parents' Association Charitable Registration #119175537-RR0001

Contact PA Treasurer, Shawn Konopinsky ( if you make a contribution, so we know to expect it.

Warm regards,

François Tanguay-Renaud

President, JICS PA


4. Playground Renovation

drawing of school

We are excited to announce that we have now officially launched the process of renovating our playground. In October, The University of Toronto Planning, Design and Construction Department, in collaboration with the JICS Lab School and OISE, created an RFP for the Lab School Play Area. Architectural firms were invited to submit proposals and evaluated. An award-winning landscape architectural firm has been chosen for the redesign: PLANT! You may recognize many of their beautiful projects from around our city. It is thrilling that we will get to work with them to re-envision and redesign our playground. Richard, Chriss, and the staff will be meeting with the PLANT designers supported by the OISE project management team. We will keep the community informed about the redesign plans as they develop and hope to make renovations during the summer of 2022.


5. Children's Playground Dreams

child's drawing of playground

In the Spring of 2020, during the first pandemic, children were invited to send in their ideas for the playground. They were asked to reflect on:

  • As we think about redesigning the JICS school playground, what do you want it to look like?

  • What is most important for you during recess? How do you want to spend your time outside on our yard?

  • What would be in your ideal playground at school?

Please find here a powerpoint with children’s ideas about the playground from Spring 2020; it includes some video and audio files too. Use the password provided in the "Weekly Info" email to access this page!


6. Supporting the Arts at JICS

children in drama
Grade 5 & SK Special Friends in Drama

The JICS Patrick Harvie Arts Fund (PHA) was established to enhance arts education and experiences by purchasing items such as our school piano, drum sets, and a pottery kiln along with subsidizing our unique "Artist-in-Residence Program” which we are looking forward to re-instating this Winter/Spring. The fund is operated by the JICS Parents’ Association, a registered charity. Tax receipts are issued for all donations. If you are interested in making a donation, please submit a cheque payable to the JICS Parents’ Association (subject line: PHA) and deliver to the Lab School receptionist.

Other opportunities to donate to the JICS Lab School can be found on the JICSfamily Donate Page. Thank you for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to be in touch if you would like more information.

Hanukkah book display

7. Supporting the JICS Library

The JICS Library runs an ongoing fundraiser through Indigo. When you purchase gift cards through this link, 20% of your purchase amount is given to JICS to spend on books! The gift card arrives in your email, and then online or in-person purchases can be made from Indigo.


8. Parent Education Events

December 2 | 12:30-1:30pm (Zoom)

Lunch & Learn with Ellie

If you missed JICS Social Worker, Ellie Lathrop’s workshop today: What I need from you: emotion coaching through a developmental lens the recording is available on the Parent Education page.


9. Upcoming December Events

Mon 6 – Last Evening of Hanukkah (Nov 28-Dec 6)

Thurs 9 – Last day of Block 1 placement & Fall Internship (JK to Grade 6)

Mon 13 to Fri 17 – Report Cards mailed home (Nursery to Grade 6)

Fri 17 – Last day of Fall Term. School ends at noon. Daycare open until 6:00pm

Mon 20 – Winter Holidays begin (Dec 20 to Jan 3). School and Daycare closed.

Sat 25 – Christmas Day

Sun 26 – Kwanzaa begins (Dec 26 to Jan 1)

Tues January 4 – Winter Term begins. School arrival starts at 8:30am (Daycare opens at 8:00am)


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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522


45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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